Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Youth and celebrity role models

1 Youth and celebrity role models
Role models are supposed to people who have done something worthy to emulate. However, in today’s culture, you are enamoured by any celebrity who can get on a cover or show up on TV. For today’s youth it is about money and fame.  “Hip hop celebrity jewelry “

Reality shows like Jersey Shore have put people who would otherwise be unknown onto front pages of magazines. Youth follow their every move and want to dress like them, talk like them, and, of course, have a reality show like them; hence, the popularity of YouTube. Those 15 minutes of fame beckons.

Young people, not having the experience or the maturity to make good decisions, are quick to jump on the idea that any kind of fame is good for you. So they line up for hours with thousands of others to tryout on American Idol, or post a video of themselves singing, dancing or playing an instrument. At no point do they look at themselves with a discerning eye to determine if they are talented or not.

If not putting themselves directly in the public eye they are attempting to dress like their favourite celebrity. Boys wear the ‘bling’ around their neck or drop their pants below their butt thinking they look cool. Girls must have the latest fashions that their icons have “designed”. Do you really think these folks designed anything? It’s about putting their name on a label in order to make money.

We have become a nation ruled by the limelight. What celebrities do, whether good or bad, the young don’t care, the young must just pursue.

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