Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happily Never After?

The one thing that is certain in Hollywood is: marriages do not last.  From Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards to Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries , couples just don’t seem to last too long . Many couples in Hollywood are destined for divorce from the beginning . Saying “I do.” is not targeted to last forever and especially for those who are famous.

Although this is true, some couples you just want to stay together. Beyonce and Jay-Z ? Now that is a match made in heaven! The power couple dominate the music industry and have countless of business ventures that have made the duo unstoppable . I definitely am cheering on this powerhouse! Then you have couples like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Now maybe it is just my opinion but, it is a little odd that Demi Moore is more than fifteen years older than her ex-hubby Ashton.  Her children are closer in age to Asthon than she is!! Needless to say , the marriage did not last and no one was that surprised. Kutcher had a wandering eye that just made monogamy oh so very hard to accomplish.

Is there something to do with being famous that makes commitment nearly impossible? Being in the public eye constantly must have a strain on a relationship . Especially if the paparazzi is in your face 24/7 . There is not really such thing as down time when you are a celebrity and everything that you do can be scrutinized .  It cannot be easy seeing all the tabloids claiming that you have an illegitimate child, or that your spouse has had a couple rendez-vous with the nanny. Imagine if you were to find out that your significant other was cheating on you through a magazine? That must be a hard pill to swallow.

The author of “Cult of Celebrity” : Cooper Lawrence , told Huffington Post that it isn’t just being in the public eye that has an effect on these celebrity couples. There is more to it. Mainly it has to do with other famous people that they have access to. A celebrity is much more likely to have access to a larger pool of potential mates than the average bear. Also, many celebrities feel as though they have the entitlement and that their fame can be the number one priority and be put before a relationship. Egos can get in the way when dealing with famous couples and make a marriage unlikely to last due to the inability to compromise.

After all compromising is everything in a relationship!

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