Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Young people grew up with education

3 In the past young people grew up being taught that getting a good education and a good job was important. Those young people grew up to be our fathers and mothers who held jobs in factories, department stores and on the railway. They stayed in those jobs for 30 years, earning a pension before retiring. They also married, had children, and bought a little house and settled down to life the ‘good’ life.

Fast forward to today where many young people throw away the chance at a good education. Mommy and daddy pay for an education only to have the son or daughter drink and party the time away. Or they go to class believing they are entitled to an A without putting in any work to earn it. Then when looking for a job they expect high wages and when the job gets boring they move on to another.

Many young people today don’t believe they have to work to get anything. They believe that they should achieve fame and fortune quickly without effort. Why not? They see many gaining notoriety fast by just posting a video on YouTube, creating games on their computer, or starring in a reality show. Where did the values of old disappear to?

Yes, human society must evolve, but for the better. No one expects that humans never change and values must lie stagnate; however, as a society there must be a thread that links us together through the centuries. A thread that binds us into a fabric that is strong and durable. At the rate this generation is going that fabric is becoming tattered. Society will not be able to progress, at least not in a matter that is for the benefit of all.

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