Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012's Best New Music

We're already halfway through 2012 and a lot of great records have been unleashed on the public this year. Here's a couple that cannot be overlooked

Torche - Harmonicraft 

Most of what can be considered "modern rock" on the radio today amounts to the hopelessly derivative and mopey post-grunge music which bands like Nickelback and Three Days Grace seem to have perfected. At least in the financial sense. Thank goodness for bands like Torche, who turn their amplifiers up to 11 but refrain from displaying the obnoxious, testosterone-fueled angst that is the calling card of so much contemporary rock. Coming across as Foo Fighters for the music-nerd, Torche have admirably carved out a niche among other heavy rock artists by maintaining what can only be described as pop-like sensibilities.

Take the track ``Kicking`` from their new record Harmonicraft, which features thick guitar riffs and a soaring vocal on the chorus. Torche haven't re-invented the wheel, but considering the never-ending landscape of meat-head rockers grunting about "the pants around your feet" on radio today, they certainly represent a breath of fresh air. 

Liars - WIXIW

Liars are a band whose sound has been tweaked and prodded so much over the course of four records that any definitive label seems to slip off. Whether you file them under "dance-punk", "noise-rock" or make it easier on yourself and use the "experimental" catch-all, you can be assured that their next release will be at odds with your decision. With WIXIW (pronounced "wish you"), Liars' gradual shift towards electronic textures has fully blossomed, resulting in their most heavily sample-dependent record yet.

The band has always been an acquired taste, but their last few records have been particularly diverse. Poppy, almost Beck-like tracks such as Houseclouds sit nervously beside punk-like numbers like Scarecrows on a Killer Slant, assuring that first-time listeners are kept on their toes. Yet despite the constant shifting between genres, Liars foster a human connection with their listeners by constantly challenging themselves and their audience. While the "experimental" label accurately describes many of the noisier elements of their music, gorgeous tracks like "The Other Side of Mt. Heart Attack" display an unexpected vulnerability that leaves many  of their contemporaries sounding insincere.

Check out the (not safe for work) video for the tense, groovy first single from WIXIW, "No 1. Against the Rush"

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