Sunday, June 17, 2012

Jersey Shore

Is anyone else over the Jersey Shore yet? Yes, the MTV hit show is hilarious, and who doesn't enjoy a good train wreck here and there, but truly, the show is trash, and they have had 6 seasons too many.

They started off at the Jersey Shore in 2009, and soon started spin offs in Miami, and even Italy. I am Italian, and I find the show a disgrace to Italians everywhere. Yes, us Italians are loud, and we do tend to talk with out hands, but not all of us are tanned and muscled out to the max.

This season, they are back at the shore house, in Jersey, and this time, things will be a little different. Snooki, is now pregnant, and Mike "The Situation," is fresh out of rehab. The show will feature a lot less drinking for those least I hope so.

I stopped liking the show as soon as the characters started to go more "Hollywood." They are less trashy, and I feel that the trash factor is what makes the show. Even though I said I am repulsed by the them, I know for a fact I will tune into MTV on the season 6 premier of Jersey Shore.

1 comment:

  1. I too used to be addicted to Jersey Shore! I think that many of the cast members feel as though they are too good for the show now. Which is hilarious because they are literally getting paid for doing absolutely nothing.

    Okay, pardon me; they are getting paid to drink and party excessively , do the most idiotic things and sleep with random people. No wonder today's generation of young adults is so messed up!

    They look up to people such a Snooki and the other cast members and think that because they do stupid things and people laugh that in a sense it is an excuse for them to do those things as well.

    I still love the show but it cannot be denied what a terrible influence these people are on teenagers and young adults!
