Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fit is the new skinny

It is no secret that being “skinny” in Hollywood is a necessity. But , how skinny is too skinny? Nicole Ritchie for example , used to suffer with weight problems her whole life , but crazy dieting had gotten the best of her and she now barely weighs 80 lbs. .  Other stars like Angelina Jolie, Tori Spelling and Gwenyth Paltrow are just a few of the scarely skinny celebs. This plays a heavy impact on society, especially young impressionable girls who look up to these women. It also does not help that when I go to the grocery store I see magazine after magazine promising me that I can “lose ten pounds in a week easily” or “get a killer six pack in 3 weeks”. Many women, including myself, have thought that if they can go through these crazy fad diets, and use the same workout regime as Jennifer Aniston,  they might get a body like hers.

These are all really enticing  ideas but, it takes a lot more work, drive and dedication than just reading a magazine or looking at fitness posts on Pinterest. This might be a starting point but it is not even close to accomplishing your fitness goals. On that note, women need to ditch the goal of looking like these celebrities and focus on something that is a)attainable and b) done healthily . It is also extremely important to realize that celebrities like Jennifer Aniston do not just have a killer body naturally. Jennifer Aniston is thin and fit but, she also has worked with several personal trainers and nutritionists to help keep her on track. Those magazines that share the juicy details on how to get a body like hers leave that information out.

They also leave out the most important thing, that is; to be healthy .  There should not be such a huge focus on being skinny. That focus should be ditched and the goal should always be aimed at your health first and fore most . I have worked in the fitness industry for three years now and have learned quite a bit on the do’s and don’ts . Here is some simple tips:

1)       80% Diet. It is all about what you eat! Try to avoid heavy pastas and breads. Also watch your sugar and salt intake. Find healthier alternatives to favorite comfort foods.  Don’t avoid fat and carbs all together. You need those for energy!
2)       20% Exercise. Cardio is important , but do not cancel out weight training as well. Many women think that weight training will not help you lose weight. Think of it like this: the more muscle you have , the easier it will be to drop that excess weight.
3)       Set realistic goals and stick to them! We have all been there and said I want to lose ten pounds in a couple days. Drop that thought and start being more realistic by setting a goal of  losing a pound or two a week.
4)       Don’t be discouraged! It takes a couple weeks to start a routine, so keep pushing! If you see the numbers going up on the scale when you first begin your workout regime, that is just proof that the muscle is on its way!
5)       Most importantly, EAT BREAKFAST. Obviously you hear this everywhere, but it is the crucial meal of the day . If you want to lose weight and have energy throughout the day make sure you do not skip this !

Being fit and healthy is the new skinny J

1 comment:

  1. It’s true that in these days many people like to be skinny especially girls who want to look beauty and also most of rich people looks slim because they want to enjoy their and life to live longer. However, for the rich people who are skinny are people who select their eating habits but for poor they have no food choice they just eat anything. Some people said that the best thing is the way they feel more confident about their body.
    Lam Wuor
