Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Clothing Makes the woman beauty

2 Clothing makes the Woman
How can one be a size zero? Does that mean you don’t exist? Are you just a wisp in someone’s imagination? Young girls are being given the wrong message. Although there seems to be a movement towards not using rail thin models in magazines and on the runways, walking into a clothing store to buy an outfit you are bombarded by clothing listed as size zero. Ms. Barron said “She was showing me what was really special and what she wanted me to have.”

The West, however, has become a culture of fast food. Childhood obesity has reached new heights throughout the United States and Canada. Children regularly have a meal from McDonald, Wendy or Pizza Hut. So why the size zero? Why is going to wear it?

Designers and manufacturers have cleverly changed sizing to accommodate this new trend. How many of you want to buy a size 16, 18, or 20? Of course, the answer is no one. However what was once a size 12 is now called a size 10 and you realize you no longer wear a size 12 but instead a size 10 does this not make you feel good?  But Jeannette Montgomery Barron's "My Mother's Clothes,"

Companies have cleverly entered our psyche in order to fool us into thinking we are smaller than we actually are. Of course, no one truly is a size zero in a world based on reality. However, our dreams and that which we try to make our lifestyle are not based on reality. It’s based on television, magazines, and fantasy. So we buy into that fantasy and pick up the size zero and happily jaunt to the cash register.


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