Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Social Network

Social networking plays a major role in our society. We have come a long way and now depend on technology in our lives. Just think, would you be able to go a day without your cell phone, television, computer, or any device you own? Most of us cannot, and if we did it would probably be a very boring day.

The Social Network movie
From Sha3teely
The number one social network is Facebook. It has become a bit dull to me with the emergence of Twitter, but nevertheless Facebook is what made social networking so popular and important. You cannot deny that you have spent probably hundreds on Facebook by now. But how was it designed, how did Mark Zuckerberg come up with this amazing idea and change the world?

The Social Network was a movie made in 2010 about how Facebook started. Mark Zuckerberg was a Harvard University student that was given a task by the Winklevoss twins to create a social page for Harvard students only. However, with funding from his friend, he instead created what he initially called “Thefacebook”.

Photo by Matt-Richards on Flickr

The movie shows you how ugly things can become between friends as several lawsuits were filed after the release of Facebook disputing things between the friends like shares and even ownership. However, everyone was happy at the end as they received satisfactory settlements.

Mark Zuckerberg
Photo by tsevis on Flickr
That was how it all started, and so it continues today. Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of university and made billions. There are reportedly 500 million people signed up on Facebook today. The average person has 130 friends. People use it to communicate with each other and post personal statuses, photos, images, and even blogs. It is an easy way to connect with people all over the world and to find new friends.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed 'The Social Network', it is one of the better Oscar-nominated movies I have seen in some time. David Fincher handled the ugly aspects of Facebook's origin story quite well, and the casting was well suited for the tensely understated dialogue in the script. Also, the score from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross is remarkable! Contemporary electronic textures are featured alongside old tunes such as "In the Hall of the Mountain King" in an effective method of mirroring the emotions of the film. The picture didn't capture an Oscar, but its soundtrack did.
