Monday, June 18, 2012

Lindsay Lohan

   Lindsay Lohan’s life has been tumultuous to say the least .  She made her way in Hollywood at a very young age and was casted in leading roles such as the Parent Trap and other films.  Like any child star she was bound to end up having issues. It seems as though no child actor does not end up in rehab or they all end up with mental health issues and other addiction.

   Although Lohan had a bright future ahead of her, in her teenage years she started heading down a different path . One that was filled with drinking, substance abuse and partying.  Unfortunately for her, although she has now been to rehab several time and even has been incarcerated she has shown no signs of stopping her extreme life style.  

   She continually shows up late to interviews, and other roles she is casted for . Recently it was reported that she showed up six hours late for a rehearsal for Saturday Night Live.  That, along with many of her other recent outings have shown that Lindsay is completely incoherent most of the time. Not only that, but pictures have been circling the web of Lindsay’s well taken care of teeth . Showing the damages that cigarettes and drugs have done to her over the last couple years.

    I think what I find most disturbing is that many people still admire Lindsay Lohan, especially in the fashion world. She has been a muse for many haute couture fashion designers and is always in the front row of every fashion show.  She should not be at any of these events and all it shows is that this behaviour is acceptable. Even for the fact that she is still casted for many roles is almost in a sense enabling and condoning her substance abuse.

   I feel as though Hollywood should be more harsh about these type of things and that there should be more attention given in the media to people who actually do something for society instead of people like Lindsay Lohan being on the cover of People magazine.

Although I guess it is human nature to want to watch a train wreck sometimes!

Social media can be more haunting than a ghost for job seekers.

Maybe you enjoy sharing pictures  or posting statuses about your outings during the weekend on Facebook, Instagram and other social networking sites. Although it is fun to share these life events around the internet, young adults and potential job seekers should be extremely careful of their public displays on the web.  What is important to remember is that whatever is on the internet never really can be deleted. It is crucial to understand that what you write on Twitter and Facebook can come back to haunt you.

Tips to avoid potential mishaps:
1)      Make sure that you have adequate privacy settings on Facebook , Twitter and other social networking sites- By maximizing the security on these sites you can avoid having unwanted pictures, and posts surfacing the web. It would be ideal to restrict all photos that others tag of you set so only you can see them . On sites such a twitter, protecting your “tweets” is another way of avoiding privacy concerns .

2)      Sharing too much - It is extremely interesting that some people will not say certain things in everyday situations but they have no problem of saying it online.  Social networking sites are fun to share life events with “friends” on sites such as Facebook , but sharing too much can be extremely problematic. Maybe you wrote a status on Facebook about your boss and think just because you aren’t “friends” with them on Facebook they will not find out . Unfortunately that is not the case, you could have mutual friends in common that would have no problem telling your boss all the lovely things you said about him or her. 

Also, not everyone enjoys seeing pictures circling Facebook that show how much an individual had to drink on the weekend. Trying to limit how much you post on the internet is ideal for potential job seekers and can save you the headache in the long run.

3)      Be careful of not only how much you post but also what you post- Although social media is constantly used as a social outlet of expression , there should be a limit to how freely you post . Whether it be inappropriate language or pictures that you took on the weekend.  Even if you have adequate security settings potential employers can find loop holes of scanning for potential reasons not to hire you.  It might be a simple profile picture of a person drinking or attending a rave, but employers can make decisions based on an online persona.

These are just many out of several tips for using social media safely .  The more you post , the more you might regret. Seeing as 53% of employers check Facebook profiles, you want to eliminate any potential reasons why an employer might not hire you , be careful of the online persona you create.  There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself on Facebook or other social media sites, but in moderation. Not only is it important to be mindful of this when you are looking for a job, but also if you plan on keeping your job! 

Unrealistic expectations

     I am a huge fan of the Bachelor and the Bachelorette and do not mind admitting it! If any of you out there watch the show religiously , you would know that more often than not, the show ends with heartaches and heartbreaks. Only  17% of the bachelor/ bachelorette relationships have ended up being successful. One has to wonder, are shows such as the Bachelor or other dating shows a realistic way to get to know a future spouse? Or is it a recipe for a disaster?

     Personally, I could never partake in a dating show, but that is just my opinion! On shows like the Bachelor, the Bachelor starts off with twenty plus female candidates.  As time goes on, the numbers diminish and the bonds grow stronger between the women and the bachelor. As the number of candidates diminish, the competition rises and the affections grow deeper. I cannot see how  this could be healthy for a developing relationships . Not only that but condoning serial open relationships are not a good start either.  Many times on the show this has caused severe strains amongst the potential spouses and the bachelor/bachelorette.  For example, last year on the Bachelor; Brad Womack had proposed to Emily Maynard but it did not turn out to be the fairy tale they thought it would be.  Proclaiming that they were going to “make it” to People magazine. After the show, Emily told P the magazine about her issues with watching the show and looking back at Brad’s relationship with the other women of the show.  This overall ended up having a toll on the couple and Brad’s inability to remain faithful to Emily lead to the engagement ending soon after.  

     Another issue that surfaces with the Bachelor and the Bachelorette, is the atmosphere itself .  The potential spouses are all gathered in the same household and are first hand witnesses to all that happens with the other candidates and the bachelor .  This environment can be extremely straining and jealousy can cause tension .  When the couples go on dates they are in the most amazing destinations such as France, Tahiti , Bora Bora , Italy and the list goes on .  I personally would like to just go on the show for the vacations! But in all honesty, this is not a realistic atmosphere to really get to know a future spouse. Going on vacation with someone is one thing, but actually spending time with them just doing day to day activities is a different story.
Not only that but the dates that the contestants go on are second to none.  All of them being once in a life time experiences. Last year for example, on the Bachelor, Ben took one of the contestants to walk on the top of the Bay bridge in San Francisco, California.  Although it is an amazing experience , it is anything but realistic. How would a contestant or the bachelor/bachelorette even be able to tell if they are actually enjoying the company of one of the candidates or is it just the date itself? I wouldn’t care if I was trapped with my worst enemy if we were in a destination such as Switzerland or England.  You would somehow learn to like them!

    Shows like this not only give unrealistic expectations to the members that are partaking in the show itself, but it also gives false hopes to viewers at home. Although it would be nice to be taken on some of the dates that have been showcased on the series throughout the years, it should not warp the true meaning of falling in love. Magazines, social media, music and television have warped love to be a perfect romance (with flowers and chocolate included). Unfortunately, that is not the case. Love is far from any of those things and takes a lot of hard work, dedication, compromise and understanding.  

    Many viewers believe that the Bachelor and Bachelorette are the most romantic shows on television. Even if that might be the case , it is a surreal way not a realistic way of falling in love with someone. Although the show seems like a fairy tale scenario , it does not always end that way.  Once the show is all set and done many of the Bachelor/ Bachelorette relationships do not last because they do not know how to cope with the everyday type of situations.  Those everyday circumstances are what help build strong bonds and long lasting relationships, and not what culture, society and the media tell us.


   A couple of months ago, rap artist Drake released his newest album; Take Care. The album quickly went platinum and had chart topping hits. One of the songs on the album; The Motto featuring Lil Wayne and Tyga, had gained attention all around the internet within a couple of hours of the song’s initial release.
Drake’s lyrics in the song the Motto, the motto is; You Only Live Once.  Or in other words: Y.O.L.O . The phrase began showing up everywhere  on Twitter and Facebook . All of a sudden every idiotic thing that anyone had done on the weekend was now worthy to proclaim “Y.O.L.O” . I would like to think that humankind knows that humans only live once, and that it is not some recent scientific discovery . Unfortunately, you only live once is the new Carpe Diem (cease the day), but it has become an excuse for many teenagers and young adults to act without much care. Y.O.L.O. has had more of an impact than the typical words of encouragement such as cease the day.

   Not only has it had a negative impact on many young adults , but it also encourages bad behaviour .  Staying out late, partying, drinking excessively and substance abuse is “the motto” that is portrayed in the music video for the song.  I think the reason why I have such an angst against the catch phrase is for the reason that it gives individuals an excuse to act and behave without any morals.   You hear it all the time on Facebook; “Got so drunk on the weekend. #Y.O.L.O.” , “ Can’t remember what I did last night. #Y.O.L.O.” .  I know this may sound like a am rambling on, but this actually plays a huge toll on society in general . Especially the targeted age group that listens to such artists as Drake.  You only live once, so do as many stupid things as you can . That is what is surfacing on Facebook , Twitter and other social media sites.

   Speech and music is so influential on young adults, and a lot of the time they take it in the wrong context or have to push it to the extreme . Especially if the average teenager listens to 2.5 hours of music a day and one third of the songs pertain to alcohol, sex and drug abuse, this obviously sooner or late will have an negative impact. Why ? Because they see their friends doing these things, they see it on television and hear their favorite rap artist singing about it (Y.O.LO.) . So what do they do? They act upon it or go out and get a tattoo about it. Am I right or am I right?

     This in a sense is engraved into our western culture ; act first , think later . This is extremely problematic  because where is the line drawn?  For example, my younger sister who is merely the age of sixteen was on Facebook the other day and was kind of chuckling to herself. I asked her what was so funny and she told me it was just what one of her friends on Facebook had posted. It was a picture album with the album title: Y.O.L.O. , and all it was filled was with underage kids drinking and partying. Thankfully my sister is not like that, but still I was just absolutely shocked at what I saw. I was just proof of how the phrase was almost in a sense ; used as an awful excuse to party in excess. Not only that but my sister had also mentioned that so many people love that song at her school and say it . She said that all the kids who party all the time always say it. So in a sense, if you want to be cool, you only live once has to be in your vocabulary.  The influence and impact that language has on young adults is just astonishing and this was just another example of that fact.
    You only live once is a pretty obvious statement . If you only live one then, go out and do something with your life. Travel, explore, get an education and become a somebody. Another famous quote by Mae West is; “ You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” This quote sums it all up nicely. If you only have one life you should live it to the fullest, try new things, meet new people and leave a legacy behind to be proud of .
Just a thought to keep in mind the next time anyone says Y.O.L.O.!! J

Sunday, June 17, 2012

When 33 1/3 is more than enough

For the last decade or so Bloomsbury Publishing has been releasing a series of small books on music albums, under the heading 33 1/3. There have been 86 releases so far, ranging from massively popular albums like Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA and ABBA's Greatest Hits to more esoteric and quietly influential records such as REM's Murmur and Spiderland by Slint. Even weirdo heroes of the avant-garde,  such as Captain Beefheart have earned themselves recognition under the 33 1/3 banner.

(personal image)

Most of the books cost around 13 dollars and weigh in around 180 pages, each with a different author. While I can't speak for every issue, I have purchased quite a few up to this point and I have found the writing and insights to be worthwhile in each case. There is no specific format to which the author is restricted, which helps keep the series from becoming redundant. In some cases a track-by-track analysis of the record is provided, as with Wilson Neate's book on Pink Flag. Other editions are more "vocal", in the sense that a broad collection of interviews is used to illustrate the history of a record, as in Nick Attfield's take on You're Living All Over Me.

A key aspect of the 33 1/3 series is the usage of social media to attract and maintain a fan-base. By maintaining a humble blogger website as their homepage and encouraging the submission of proposals by readers, there is a connection being made with the readership in a way that large publishing giants cannot relate. There blog is regularly updated with mentions of press coverage as well as upcoming releases in the series.

If you are a music fan, I suggest you check out the complete list of 33 1/3 titles and see if one of your favourite records has been covered. stocks almost every one available, and it should only take two to get free shipping.

Bookmark it - The Onion & A.V. Club

For many a savy internet user The Onion News Network, a "parody news organization", is one of the most consistently funny destinations on the web. The Onion mimics the look and presentation of a CNN-like organization while publishing articles, videos and blog posts which satirize both real and fake events. The comedy is not vulgar or explicit, and manages to stay consistently clever while skewering many a public figure and societal irritation.

Like actual news organizations, The Onion's content is comprised of photos, "editorials" and video broadcasts. The typical Onion post is delivered with a deadpan seriousness to portraying  the topic in as absurd of a sense as possible, as with this hilarious and timely Father's Day piece.

If the humor on The Onion's main site starts to wear thin on you, take a look at the Onion A.V. Club, which is perhaps better described as nerd heaven. The AV Club extensively covers most entertainment media, whether film, television, music, gaming, even contemporary fiction. In addition to the expected news and reviews sections, which seem to be constantly updated, the site features regularly features engrossing interviews with people involved in the entertainment industry.

Recent posts worth checking out include a great discussion with comedian Stephen Merchant (Ricky Gervais' pal) where he humorously discusses the possibility of being in a buddy-cop film, as well as an extremely detailed rundown of the most recent Parks & Recreation season with that series' show-runner, Michael Schur. The latter link should give you an indication of just how deep into the minutiae of a show/film/record/game that AV Club writers will go: a five-part analysis of a very-recently finished sitcom season with one of the unheralded "grunts" on the set of the show? Leslie Knope fans are drooling.

There are two specific sections on the AV Club that are worth checking out while browsing the site. First off, my favorite feature on the website, Gateways to Geekery. This section tries to provide an entry point into a niche artist or genre, whether it be experimental musicians The Velvet Underground, highly influential comic strip The Adventures of Tintin, the goatee-laden Beat Poetry movement or the massive Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett. These features are an interesting way of engaging readers with entertainment that may be outside their comfort zone initially.

Also, for anyone who is interested in gaming on the cheap, there is Sawbuck Gamer. This is a monthly feature which brings focus to a swathe of games which can be purchased for either a few dollars or free of charge, usually from independent developers. Most of the games are available via an internet-capable device, whether PC, console or mobile phone. So cheap gamers (and parents) can't go wrong by taking a look.

Eyelashes are BIG in Hollywood

Every girl wishes they had big eyes with long lashes, but not everyone is born with them. Most girls wear mascara to extend, volume and maximize their eyelashes. But the ultimate way to achieve this is by wearing fake eyelashes. Almost all stars wear fake eyelashes that will last them a month, a couple of months, a week and even a day. There are many types of eyelashes that will make you look a certain way ie. settle look, dramatic look, long lashes and full lashes.

Celebrities such as Melissa Gilbert, Sheree Whitfield, Caroline Rhea and Ashley Greene have been known to wear eyelashes at Awards shows, Grammys, and Red Carpet events. Bai Ling makes her eyes appear bigger than it really is. It adds to her look and makes her eyes stand out and not overly powered by her eye shadow. 

I always wanted fake eyelashes that lasted approximately three months but they are so expensive! To get them on, they cost roughly $100, and to get them retouch every 3-4 weeks its $35. I think eyelashes can make a girl appear older and feel more beautiful. My eyelashes are nonexistence and are super short even if I have mascara on. When I go out with my friends, I usually put on fake eyelashes that lasts one day. It is easy to put on and painless. You can get them at any drugstores like Superstore, Wal-Mart and Shoppers Drug Mart. You also need to get glue to apply it on.

How to apply fake eyelashes:
1. Measure and cut the eyelashes until it is the same size as your eye
2. Apply the glue on the edge of the eyelashes and wait 5-10 seconds
3. Place the eyelashes along your eye and hold them down for 5-10 seconds
4. To finish off the look, you can apply mascara to the lashes 
5.To remove them, simply pull them off your eyes and pull off any excess glue on the eyelashes
Note: you can reuse your eyelashes 5-6 times depending on how well you keep them. 

One of my friend got fake eyelashes done at a place on Fourth Street and 23rd Avenue called Noir (it means black in French). When she first got them on, I didn’t even notice it until she told me. They were not super long and dramatic. It gave her eyelashes a fuller look. She said they hurt her when she closed her eyes. She also wasn’t allowed to use eyeliner and mascara that contained oil-based because it would cause the eyelashes to fall off.  

Some places in Calgary where you can get fake eyelashes up on are:

Cindy and I with eyelashes
Picture belongs to me

Cindy and I without eyelashes
Picture belongs to me

models and cars

This weekend I went to a car show called Driven. I haven’t gone to Driven before so I didn’t know what to expect. Driven Car Show is a place where car owners can show case their hard work they put into their cars. It was held on June 9th, 2012 at the Olympic Oval. There were many cars lined up with their hoods up and models posing against them. It was held at the Calgary Olympic Oval. There were a variety of cars and designs. All the cars looked different from each other and had individual features. Some cars had coloured tires, fast engines and high end stereos.

hello kitty car
this picture belongs to me

this picture belongs to me

If you win for the fastest, well designed car you could win either packages:

  • package A: 
Special Limited Edition Diablo III (retail: $100)
Official SF Fightstick (retail: $200)
Bottle service at the DRIVEN Afterparty ($300)

  • package B:
Xbox 360 (retail: $300)
Kinect (retail:$150)

  • package C:
PS3 (retail: $300)
PS3 Move (retail: $100)

Jennifer Nguyen (import model)
this picture belongs to me

Some of the performers there were:
Ahmir (#1 Most Popular R&B Group On YOUTUBE) 
Chengman (Asian prankster, comedian, YOUTUBE sensation) 
Dannie Riel (IMPORT MODEL Featured on DSPORT MAG) 
Naomi Sayo (IMPORT MODEL) 
Dannie Riel was born on June 16 1988 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is a Chinese and French beauty who is making her way up the import modelling business. I got a chance to meet her at Driven. She’s very nice and bubbly. 

Dannie Riel and I
picture belongs to me

Dannie Riel, my friends and I
picture belongs to me

Import modelling or promotional modelling is a special category of modelling that does not have strict rules about height, size or weight. Import models are typically female who has a sexy appearance. Import models appear in magazines, where they pose alongside cars and motorcycles. Import models are different than commercial models, high fashion models, supermodels, and bikini models because they appear on different shows, ads and runways. Commercial models appear on ads or television shows, in catalogs, work in fashion shows. A supermodel refers to a highly paid model that usually has a worldwide reputation and has a background in haut couture and commercial modeling. They usually work for top fashion designers and famous clothing brands. 

For instance, Tyra banks and Kimora Lee Simmons are both high fashion models that walk the runway and pose for high-end fashion shoots. Whereas Hedi Klum is a swimsuit model and usually wears bikini when she models. Gisele Bundchen is known to be supermodel; she is seen in every parts of the world. 

Must See - NBA TV's Dream Team Documentary

"I don't know anything about Angola, but Angola's in trouble." 
- Charles Barkley

The 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona marked the first time in which NBA players would be allowed to enter competition. The resultant roster compiled  for the United States men's basketball team, eleven NBA players and one reserved NCAA player, was nicknamed the "Dream Team", and is often regarded as the greatest team ever assembled in sports. The roster was essentially a preemptive list of players who would be enshrined the basketball Hall of Fame upon retirement. In fact, with the induction of Chris Mullin in 2011, every NBA player from the Dream Team roster has made it to the Hall of Fame.

This past May marked the 20th anniversary of the Dream Team. Last Wednesday, NBA TV aired an excellent documentary which featured interviews with all of the players on the team, as well as rare footage from the intense warm up scrimmages held between those same basketball icons.

The documentary does a good job at summarizing the events which led up to the admission of NBA players. Narrator Ed Burns explains that the Olympic ideal had always been about "amateur" competition and as a result the United States sent college basketball players to compete. From 1936 until 1972, America won the gold medal in basketball. But following a infamous and controversial finish to the Soviet Union in the 1972 gold medal final game and another loss in 1988, the rest of the world was seen as catching up to the United States in basketball. Indeed, the line between "professional" and "amateur" on an international level was seen as hypocritical, as many European rosters were composed of older players who were being paid salaries on pro teams. The hypocrisy was evident to  FIBA Secretary General Boris Stankovic, who proceeded to change the Olympic regulations.

The NBA TV documentary largely follows the selection process and pre-Olympic practices of the team, as the competition itself was a relative cakewalk, a testament to the pedigree of the roster. No team came within 30 points of the United States, with some competitors losing by over 60. Many of the games took on a surreal atmosphere, as competing players shook hands, took pictures and asked for autographs from the Americans before games.

The appeal of the documentary lies in the personalities of these players, some of them among the most recognizable faces on Earth. From the eagerness demonstrated by Magic Johnson and Chris Mullin, to the feet-dragging of Michael Jordan, it is very revealing to see the perspectives offered from these players both then and 20 years after the fact. Charles Barkley, however, is by far the most charismatic; I would recommend watching the documentary just for some of the classic quotes from the man, who is definitely not a role model.

To watch the documentary online, you will need to have a subscription to the Canadian feed of NBA.TV. Or if you have NBA TV in your cable package, there will be plenty of replays this week. There are a few YouTube links up as well, but these are violating copyright and will probably be taken down soon. Whatever format, I would urge and sports fans to watch.

"NBA.TV's The Dream Team." 13 Jun. 2012. Web.


Jersey Shore

Is anyone else over the Jersey Shore yet? Yes, the MTV hit show is hilarious, and who doesn't enjoy a good train wreck here and there, but truly, the show is trash, and they have had 6 seasons too many.

They started off at the Jersey Shore in 2009, and soon started spin offs in Miami, and even Italy. I am Italian, and I find the show a disgrace to Italians everywhere. Yes, us Italians are loud, and we do tend to talk with out hands, but not all of us are tanned and muscled out to the max.

This season, they are back at the shore house, in Jersey, and this time, things will be a little different. Snooki, is now pregnant, and Mike "The Situation," is fresh out of rehab. The show will feature a lot less drinking for those least I hope so.

I stopped liking the show as soon as the characters started to go more "Hollywood." They are less trashy, and I feel that the trash factor is what makes the show. Even though I said I am repulsed by the them, I know for a fact I will tune into MTV on the season 6 premier of Jersey Shore.

The Bachelorette

The Bachelorette, a spin off from the Bachelor, is now on season 8, and Emily Maynard is a bachelorette like no other.

Typically, the show starts with the Bachelorette meeting all of her suiters in a mansion in Los Angelas, California. This season, things are a little bit different. Emily won the bachelor, Brad Womack, on his season, and their relationship soon fizzled. Now, she is center stage, and is ready to mingle.

Emily, who has a daughter Ricky, is making her own rules for the show. Instead of shooting in LA, she made them shoot in her hometown, and current residence, of Charlotte, North Carolina. Her being a mom is making the process different, but I think for the better.

Emily is the first bachelorette who seems to really know what she wants. Considering her past, and her having a child, she truly does deserve the best, and won't settle for anything less. She is a beautiful woman, and I hope she makes the right choice!

Miley Cyrus, teenage bride.

Every little girl I know, with myself included, think about what their wedding will one day be like. Now, teen super star, Miley Cyrus, can put her plans into action.

Miley Cyrus is now engaged to her on again, off again, boyfriend of three years,  Liam Hemsworth, who she starred with in the movie, The Last Song. People may think of this as a surprise, but judging by how fast children grow up in the entertainment industry, I think Miley and Liam are ready for the next step in their lives.

Miley Cyrus started on the Disney channel show, Hannah Montana, and soon became the next Disney Darling, following the likes of Hilary Duff. Miley is now worth an estimated 120 million dollars, and really does not need to work another day in her life. Liam is now playing the role of Gale, in the critically acclaimed books now turned movies, The Hunger Games.

Being a young celebrity bride, is a classic trend in Hollywood. Unfortunately, the relationships do not last forever, or even days, young celebs still think it is a good idea. Hey, if I was a celebrity, engaged to a hot actor, minus well lock that down, right?

I wish both Miley and Liam the best in this exciting chapter in their lives, and truly hope they go against the stereotype of hollywood relationships.

One Direction

If you are unaware of the latest British invasion, the boy band "One Direction," you are clearly living under a rock. They started off on the British talent show, The X Factor, and soon bolted to super stardom in the UK. Now, after releasing their album internationally, on March 14 2012, they are the first British group to have a number one album, in America it's first week (beating out the Beatles, and Spice Girls.)

I had the pleasure of seeing them perform live, in Las Vegas, Saturday June 9th, and it truly was amazing. Harry Styles, the groups resident heart throb, and my personal favourite, waved at me twice! Liam Payne's, the serious one, girlfriend Danielle Peazer was sitting in front of me, making the experience that much more enjoyable.

Boybands we a huge hit in the late 90's and early 2000's, with New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, and N*Sync, but One Direction takes it to a whole new level. I have personally never seen so many screaming and crying girls in my life, like I did when I was at their concert. The boys seem to be relatable, and have an effect on girls, making them feel that you can one day date a member of the band.

(Personal picture, from their concert in Vegas!)

The One Direction Buys are funny, great entertainers, and ultimately talented. You can tell that they are not taking any of their new found, American fame, for granted, and are enjoying every minute of it. I personally believe they have the longevity to last in the crazy music business.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Luka Magnotta

4 This past week a Luka Magnotta young man, allegedly involved in pornography, committed a horrific crime. He murdered someone and then dismembered his body while making a video of himself, which he then posted online. He then left town, travelling to Europe under an alias. He was finally captured while watching news stories of himself on a computer. His only request to his captors: “Please do not let the paparazzi take random pictures of me. What is wrong with this picture?

My first thought is that the news stations fed into his fever for notoriety. Unknowingly or not, they made him famous. By showing various photos of the fellow and telling his tale, over and over again, he achieved some of what he set out to do. It is obvious from his initial posting online that he wanted to have people know his name. He wanted to become famous.

However, let’s just say he now has become infamous – the negative side of being famous. People will not easily forget what he has done, nor will they forget what he looked like. Even the police, having viewed his video, are appalled and will never forget. But wait – let’s roll back the time line a bit.

When this young man’s video was first seen and reported to police by a journalist, the police stated that videos can be doctored and besides someone was just trying to get attention. It was assumed that it was fake and someone just wanted their 15 minutes of fame. Have we become so numb to outrageous events that we are so quick to dismiss them?

Young people grew up with education

3 In the past young people grew up being taught that getting a good education and a good job was important. Those young people grew up to be our fathers and mothers who held jobs in factories, department stores and on the railway. They stayed in those jobs for 30 years, earning a pension before retiring. They also married, had children, and bought a little house and settled down to life the ‘good’ life.

Fast forward to today where many young people throw away the chance at a good education. Mommy and daddy pay for an education only to have the son or daughter drink and party the time away. Or they go to class believing they are entitled to an A without putting in any work to earn it. Then when looking for a job they expect high wages and when the job gets boring they move on to another.

Many young people today don’t believe they have to work to get anything. They believe that they should achieve fame and fortune quickly without effort. Why not? They see many gaining notoriety fast by just posting a video on YouTube, creating games on their computer, or starring in a reality show. Where did the values of old disappear to?

Yes, human society must evolve, but for the better. No one expects that humans never change and values must lie stagnate; however, as a society there must be a thread that links us together through the centuries. A thread that binds us into a fabric that is strong and durable. At the rate this generation is going that fabric is becoming tattered. Society will not be able to progress, at least not in a matter that is for the benefit of all.