Wednesday, May 30, 2012

White Girl Problems

Twitter is now the next big thing. You can update your status, retweet other peoples statuses, and follow any celebrity of your personal favourite part ;) Since I myself am a white girl, who tends to whine when things do not go my way (how bratty) and a twitter page is dedicated to that.

The page is called, White Girl Problems, and literally, she tweets about every bad and random thing that can happen, and which usually does. I tend to to retweet her tweets all the time, due to the connection they have to my personal life.

During this time of year, with summer coming up, and vacations to look forward too, I am always looking for a good summer read. To my surprise and pleasure, White Girl Problems is now a novel. Babe Walker, a spoiled brat from Beverly Hills, and the creator of White Girl Problems, is now a New York Times best seller. Each chapter is a "white girl problem," and they are all absolutely hilarious.

For all my fellow white girls out there, I suggest you pick up this book, or at least check out her blog... It will make your problems seem not as bad.

1 comment:

  1. Twitter has so many pages such as; pretty girls problems, wheeling problems, skinny girl problems. The list goes on !
    This book is hilarious, clever and witty!

    You are definitely correct, her problems seem to be a little bit more dramatic than the average bear's.
