Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Real Housewives of Vancouver

I will just come out and say it; I am absolutely in love with "reality" TV shows. Maybe it is the mindless hours of  entertainment or that these people's lives are more interesting than mine. Whatever it might be, I admit I am addicted. 

The Real Housewives TV series is one of my personal favourite. I have been a fan since the start. The Real Housewives of Orange County came out many years ago and because of it's extreme popularity they expanded to major cities in places such as; Atlanta, New Jersey, New York, and Beverly Hills. A couple of months ago, Bravo had announced that it was going to be taking the show internationally by branching into Europe, Canada and a few other countries.

At first I was a sceptic, thinking that I could never watch the Canadian version of the housewives show. Especially considering how many Canadian shows have turned out to be nothing but flops. For example; Canadian Idol, Canada's Got Talent, Canada's Next Top Model and so on. The list can go on forever. 

To my surprise, I watched the series premier of the Real Housewives of Vancouver and was immediately in love. The characters on the show all have very unique personalities and bring lots of excitement and drama to the show. One of the wives; Reiko, on the show is a car fanatic and collects luxury sports cars. Since I myself am a car fanatic as well, I became a little envious of her 3 Lamborghinis parked in her garage.

I all I can do is dream about having those many horses singing in my garage. For now I can just continue working on my degree and eventually either: a) land a good job or b) land a rich husband (this is a joke , please don't be offended). Maybe one day I will be on the show? Until then I will continue being a dedicated real housewives addict! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alisha,

    I am also a reality TV junkie, and I was so happy when I found out The Real Housewives series was coming to Canada! Reiko is definitely my favourite, but Christina...she needs to go!
