Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby Maxwell's first photo shoot

A couple weeks ago, I informed you all about Jessica Simpson and her fiance Eric, and their new baby girl Maxwell Drew. They were paied quite a large sum of money, from People Magazine, to be the first to release photos of the beautiful baby.

The day has arrived, folks. Maxwell Drew is now a baby model. This weeks, People magazine, has Jessica Simpson, and her daughter on the cover.

Celebs, posing with their babies, has truly become a way of making easy money. It all started with Tom Cruise, and daughter Suri, and now...all celebrities who have not done too much lately, make quick easy cash with releasing the first photos.

Enjoy the newst, and first pictures of baby Maxwell!

1 comment:

  1. Wow how luck baby girl, its very amazing for a little baby model and her family .
    its true that there is many ways in these days of modern technologies to money very faster.
    I really like the news article.
    Lam Wuor
