Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In other news: Kim Kardashian

Let me start off by saying that I love the Kardashian family . They are the most entertaining and dramatic family to watch on television! Although, I wish they would cut out any part of the show that Kim is in . She is probably one of the most self centered individuals I have ever seen. I have not even met her and I somehow have such a strong dislike for her. I think part of the reason is that every single episode Kim is complaining about something or another. She acts like she is a 14 year old girl NOT 31 years of age. 

The reason why I fell in love with the Keeping Up with the Kardashians show was mainly because of the dynamics among the three sisters; Kim, Khloe and Kourtney. The one thing though that you could tell from the beginning of the show in 2007, is that Kim number one priority was herself. As the seasons went on this became more apparent. She also believed that her two sisters were jealous of  her . Which she would announce on the show at least every other episode. She took it so far to the point of actually "tweeting" to her over 2 million followers on numerous occasions about how jealous her sisters are. How immature can you be?

Sorry for this rant but I think someone needs to give her a reality check . She has made millions off of absolutely nothing. Okay scratch that, she has made millions for posing naked quite a few times, dating famous football players, and being the annoying sister on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. OH AND HOW COULD I FORGET!!! She also made a nice little paycheck off of marrying a famous basketball player; Kris Humphries,  for 72 days . What an nice publicity stunt that was! Especially that televised wedding that reportedly brought her in a whopping 18 million dollars. 

To each his own but a 31 year old should have more maturity than some of the stunts she pulled. Sorry but who wears 80,000$ earrings swimming and then loses them? (Please watch the video if you haven't yet!!!)  Only Kim Kardashian would. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alisha,

    I totally agree...Kim Kardashian needs to leave the show. I feel she is fame crazy, and only looks out for herself. She truly acts like she is better than everyone, for no reason.

    My personal favourite is Khloe. She speaks her mind, and she is a great wife to Lamar. She takes pride in being outspoken, and not comforming to the Hollywood peer pressure, to be extra thin. She is hilarious also.
