Wednesday, May 23, 2012

popular culture

Popular culture

In the late 1970s fashion in the courageous, fashion has changed through the years in many ways.  The popular culture involving the clothes girls would wear in the 1970s such as hippies fashion was hot pants for a couple of years.  I feel this fashion, with shorts covered by a short dress; contribute towards a poor image for women. If women wore this clothing to the office, the women would send a negative message to people.  Later the 1990s, the dress in the office was to wear pants or suits for business wear.   This was the time when companies’ expectation for business dress was more formal than the business dress in the work place today.  In the later 1990s, the women referred to the dress for an office as business casual, which was considered more casual wear as such. Popularized knee-high boots, the changes in fashion that were made have been adapted to the fashion needed for the period of time in my life but also conveying a positive image to the people.

The impressions illustrated by the media are seen everywhere such as in flyers sent out by the retail market. And also music, television and filmmaking internet is also easily accessible in many homes offering the consumer shopping without leaving homes. We use the internet to learn about the fashions that is now available in the stores and acquire the knowledge needed to make good decisions on fashions.  The internet and popular are form of mass media which is easily accessed from within the home.
Today’s youth culture encourages females and males alike to embrace their sexuality and allows a freedom of expression. But it seems this freedom of sexual expression has ended up glamorizing the idea that females are nothing more than sexual objects. I understand that people need ways to process information and grouping people by perceived similar characteristics can be helpful when looking at the world. But the problem is that sometimes people are so focused on their narrow views that they fail to realize that one size does not fit all.

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