Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kony who?

Remember a couple months back how the biggest topic of conversation was the Kony 2012 video? I would go into great deal about what it is but, I think that half the planet knows about it so I will take my chances. Now that this ordeal has long been forgotten the only traces that are left are the very offensive but hilarious memes that circle the internet.

At first, when I saw numerous videos posted on friends Facebook walls, I thought that this Kony individual was a skateboarder or something of the sort. Then within a couple hours at least 150 friends on Facebook had posted about this Kony character . So I finally decided to give the Kony 2012 video a watch.

I sat through the whole entire thirty minutes of it and thought to myself how inspiring and touching these young individuals are. The movement of the Invisible Children seemed to be pretty legitimate so I thought about going to the website and donating. Being the person I am, I do not like making decisions until I know all the information. As I began to research the Invisible Children and Kony's terror a lot of things came out that made me a skeptic of the charity behind it. One major issue is that much of the money was not actually going to the children. Most of it was going to the film making, travel expenses and other management finances.

Another issue that I had is that many of the critical problems that were spoken of in the video were already in the midst of being resolved. I also have had several friends that have traveled to Uganda and have read countless of articles and the re-occurring statement that is said by many is that much of the representations were over stated and were not as factual as they were made out to be.

The point is to research your charities before you choose them . : )

On a side note, did anyone even do anything on April 20th?

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