Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And the winner is...


If you have been as attached to "Dancing with the Stars," as I have, I am sure that you are all happy to hear that football star, Donald Driver, and his partner Peta Murgatroyed won!

I have been dancing since the age of two, and am a member of a professional dance company, so I know first hand how much hard work it takes to be a champion. The stars of season 14, Dancing with the Stars, only had limited number of weeks to perfect their numbers, to be performed live, in front of the nation. Donald is a true man of competition, setting his mind to something, and achieving it, just like he did with the superbowl, with his team, The Greenbay Packers.

I don't know what the whole love affair of celebrities dancing is, but regardless, it is good TV. For season 15, Dancing with the Stars, is doing an All Star cast, bringing back fan favourites and past winners. I personally hope they bring back Kate Gosselin, because she is a piece of work...and a terrible dancer.

Like I said before, since I am a highly trained and competitive dancer, I will be watching any show that includes my two favourite things; dance and celebs looking crazy! Congrats again, to Donald and Peta, for a job well done!


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